
Ana & Gerson

Ana & Gerson

"I am thankful for the opportunity CASA provided me with to be a positive influence to a child in need of love and guidance." - Ana, CASA Volunteer



Hello, I’m Ana and I recently celebrated my 2 year anniversary as a CASA.  I was matched with a handsome young man from Guatemala who was about to turn 18.  Before meeting him for the first time, I prayed to have my fears and insecurities subside so I could focus on being the person this kiddo needed. I am so grateful our first meeting was welcomed with smiles and conversation. 

Several of our outings were to his favorite restaurant KFC. He opened up about his dreams and together we identified the steps that would make his dreams a reality. He used the resources at the Orangewood Foundation to prepare for graduation and the transition to community college. We both were so proud that he graduated with a high school diploma. When he turned 18 and got his work permit we went job searching. I drove him to interviews and showed him how to apply for jobs online and in person. He was hired at the second place he applied to and received several promotions during his time there.

In the 24 months we’ve shared, I see him become more confident. He is not nearly as shy as he was in the beginning. He takes more  initiative in his appearance and is very kind to people. Currently, he has a new job in a different industry than his first job. I am overjoyed with the fact that he got his second job on his own. I am very proud of my CASA match. He has used our outings to improve and inform himself. I am thankful for the opportunity CASA provided me with to be a positive influencer to a child in need of love and guidance.